From Sept 1, 2022, as a Global Key Account Director, Patricia Charlec will join the Actiss Africa team. Based in France, Patricia will develop Actiss Africa Key Accounts of Interim Management assigments to French Groups for their operations in Africa.
Graduated from ESSEC, Patricia’s track record includes marketing positions in the FMCC and Banking field. She moves to IT Consulting as Head of Transformation Programs, then Innovation Projects Management.
Since 2018 she has been working as an Interim Manager on Sales and Change Management challenges (assignments at retailing and luxury field…). She gets a certification from IFMT, the French Interim Management training organisation belonging to the French Interim Management Federation.
Based in Dakar, Abidjan, and Paris; Actiss Africa sells Interim Management services to African and foreign companies operating in Africa.
Actiss Africa is a spin off from Actiss Partners, an Interim Management company in France since 2004.