Transition management, emergency solution, or management tool?
Reminder: Transition management allows a company to respond to its major operational challenges. To do this, an interim manager, supported by an ActissAfrica associate, takes charge of the company sector in question for a few months – DAF, HR director, industrial management, subsidiary CEO, etc. -, mobilizes the teams, determines and implements a action plan, until the desired objectives are achieved QUICKLY and surely.
It has long been considered that transition management is a solution aimed at emergency situations. But for everyday life, we manage well on our own, we have always managed on our own, no need for an external service.
Except that the changes made in the business world in recent years – digitalization, globalization – have accelerated ALL aspects of a company’s life.
In particular, companies must face increasingly rapid and radical changes in their environment. And furthermore, digitalization makes them more visible, but also makes their competitors more visible, forcing them to constantly adapt.
This is where we need the MT:
- To IMMEDIATELY take charge of operational issues which are now becoming urgent, and for which we have no internal resources: setting up reliable financial and operational reporting, improving the performance of a logistics platform, pivot a commercial activity to a new market/country, turn around a subsidiary, etc.
- To benefit from a resource very quickly. Today you have to recruit a DAF in 2 weeks, and no longer in 6 months!! And obviously for life, but perhaps for only a few months.
An example: the manager of this company with a turnover of $100 million, under LBO, looks every year at the end of what went well in his company, but above all what was the weakest link in his organization. Faced with this, he included in his budget a Transition Management line, and entrusted us at the beginning of the following year with the task of carrying out a mission on this weak link to make it strong. Thus, by constantly strengthening its weakest functions, it has ended up building a very strong network of functions, which allows it to be very reactive and to outperform in relation to its objectives. He uses transition management as a MODE OF MANAGEMENT.
You too, do the same, use transition management as a management tool, gain in efficiency and responsiveness. And be one of the winners.
Discussion workshop on Transition Management organized in collaboration with the CCI of Côte d'Ivoire.
This event, which was held last June within the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Côte d’Ivoire, brought together several business leaders from various sectors of activity, offering an enriching platform for exchange. Gilles MARQUE, President of Actiss Africa and his partner Ambroise BAROAN, shared their valuable experiences and expertise, exploring the practice of Transition Management as a real management tool at the service of leaders. The discussions were of great interest and allowed participants to discover and rediscover Transition Management as well as Actiss Africa.